Adoniram Mark Lodge - Back to the future!
The 16th of March saw Adoniram Mark Lodge meet at Leyland for a demonstration of a Mark ceremony from 1795, which was expertly delivered by a visiting team from Somerset, headed up by the PGM of Somerset, John Morgan.  The Lodge room was absolutely packed with spectators, keen to make their daily advancement in Masonic knowledge. 
PGMs all - David Sellars (Cheshire), Keith Beardmore, Alex McLaren (E. Lancs)
Peter Hegarty & John Stanley
Jimmy Rogers and Jeff Smith guard new ProvJW designate, Alan Fairhurst
Geoff Lee, Worshipful Master  
Mark and Craft in perfect harmony and friendship
After the Lodge was opened by Geoffrey Lee, the Worshipful Master, and our PGM Keith Beardmore was saluted, along with the other PGMs, John Morgan from Somerset, Alex McLaren from E Lancs, David Sellars from Cheshire and Peter Connolly, our past PGM, and our AsstProvGM Michael Clarke, the show could begin.  It began with the entrance of a surprise candidate, who some of us seemed to recognise.  We thought it may have been Ian Nairn, our Asst ProvGM, but his hair had changed colour through the worry of the ceremony, and he was incorrectly dressed for 2016! 
Keith Beardmore and WM Geoff Lee
PGM with Special Reps John Forster, Ken Alker and Eric Drinkwater, with PrTyler Ernie Gavin
Danny Jones, Deputy G.Supt in Chapter, with Edwin Schofield
John Sarti with Peter Connolly and Walter Porter
Rod Bennison and Maurice Evans - the engine room!
We all noticed that, despite the fact we all promise to uphold the traditions of the Mark Degree, someone has changed the knocks over the years, and the position of the overseers, and most of the words and the actions.......oops!   The show was a wonderful experience for us all, especially Ian Nairn, who may well keep the wig......
Ian Nairn demonstrates the new Provincial Tie
Samm and his mates arrive from 1795
Tony Harrison and Geoff Bury
Wardens Tony Cross and Andy Whittle
Ian Nairn again, taking part as candidate!!
The Festive Board was a wonderful affair, and the food was excellent. Well done to Leyland Masonic Hall for hosting this massive event so well and efficiently.  After the meal, the secret of the new Wardens could be concealed no longer.  The new Provincial Grand SW will be W Bro Alan Foster, and the new Provincial Grand JW will be W Bro Alan Fairhurst, to be invested at Provincial Grand Lodge at Southport on Wednesday May the 4th.  No wonder the 2 Alans were both smiling profusely during the day! Congratulations to you both, you will have a great year.
The Team relax after the ceremony at Leyland
Steve Walls helping out as Deputy DC
Michael Clarke and Keith Beardmore enjoying the day
What a great day, and a great wig!
Everyone dispersed after the meeting with a new respect for our predecessors, who incidentally drank Cider during the ceremony.....naturally from Somerset!  Perhaps we could do the same?  After all, they always used to do it that way.
Words and pictures by Giles Berkley